What services do I need?
Our team works hard to determine the appropriate services for each person. One of our nurses may schedule a personal visit with you and your loved one to learn more and thoroughly assess their needs. From this visit, we prepare a detailed Plan of Care that outlines what services are the best fit. Then we constantly monitor each situation and adapt as needs change.
What is Home Health Care?
Nursing, therapy and other services to help people recover, regain their independence, and be safe at home.
Who is eligible for Home Health Care?
People who are returning home from a hospital/rehabilitation stay, managing chronic disease, or dealing with multiple diagnoses.
What are the benefits of Ohio Valley Home Health Care?
Ohio Valley Home Health home health care can help in several ways:
- Keeps patients comfortable at home, where they typically recover faster with fewer complications
- Can reduce trips to the hospital
- Provides support to caregivers and family
- Offers the interdisciplinary approach of a team of healthcare professionals
- Provides customized care planning based on your needs
Who would benefit from Home Health Care?
You or a loved one may benefit from home health care if you:
- Live with a chronic illness (for example, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease or COPD)
- Are recovering from hospitalization, surgery or illness
- Need assistance to manage your condition effectively
- Are at risk of severe illness due to COVID-19 (age 65+ or any age with an underlying condition)
Take our home health assessment quiz to find out if home health may be right for you.
When will my Home Health visits start?
A nurse will contact you by phone to schedule the first visit. If you’re coming from a hospital or nursing facility, the initial visit will usually happen within 24-48 hours after you’re discharged to make the transition easier.
What can I expect on the first visit?
On the first visit, we’ll perform an in-depth interview and assessment, identifying areas where you may benefit from education and tools to manage your health.
We partner with your doctor, family and caregivers to determine the best services for your needs. This team approach helps the move back home much easier.
How often will I have Home Health Care visits?
The frequency of home health visits depend on the medical plan of care prepared after our first visit and discussions with your doctor, caregivers, family members and so on. Your doctor may change your plan of care over time, which may change the number of visits or services needed to provide you with the best home health care for your situation.
Who pays for Home Health Care services?
Medicare covers 100% of the cost of home health care services for eligible patients. Medicaid, commercial health insurance, Veteran’s Administration, long-term care insurance, private pay, Older Americans Act programs, and other state programs may also cover home health care.
Can I rely on Ohio Valley Home Health Care employees?
Our team members are the key to everything we do. With the personal passion and energy they bring to the care they provide, they ensure that your loved one is healthy, comfortable and secure in their own homes. Our reputation attracts the most qualified candidates, and each potential team member is screened extensively:
- Current statement of good health from physician
- Submission of current license and/or certification for verification
- Criminal background checks
- Ability to read, write and speak English
- Written references
Does Ohio Valley Home Health Care provide back-up coverage?
We are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Are Ohio Valley Home Health employees insured?
All Ohio Valley Home Health team members are fully insured and bonded in accordance with state law.
Can I request Ohio Valley Home Health by name?
Absolutely. Just ask your doctor. Federal law gives patients the freedom to choose their health care provider.
Where is Ohio Valley Home Health located?
Ohio Valley Home Health is located at 204 Pearl Street, Suite 201 in New Albany, Indiana, and serves individuals and families throughout southern Indiana.
What qualifies as a “Home” when Home Health Care is being considered?
Your residence may be your house, an apartment, a relative’s home, a senior community, or some other type of residence. Hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities may not be considered a “home,” which would mean we cannot provide home health services in those settings.
How long will I receive Home Health Care?
Your doctor will decide the number, frequency and duration of visits, based on your needs and health status.
Does Ohio Valley Home Health choose and train Home Health staff?
At Ohio Valley Home Health, we carefully screen and train our home health team members, including background checks and personal and professional references. Patient care staff have professional licenses and certifications that are applicable to their role. Once hired, Ohio Valley Home Health employees participate in extensive orientation and ongoing training programs.
What does “Homebound” mean?
An individual shall be considered “confined to the home” (homebound) if the following two criteria are met:
- Criteria-One:
The patient must either:- Because of illness or injury, need the aid of supportive devices such as crutches, canes, wheelchairs, and walkers; the use of special transportation; or the assistance of another person in order to leave their place of residence
OR - Have a condition such that leaving his or her home is medically contraindicated.
- Because of illness or injury, need the aid of supportive devices such as crutches, canes, wheelchairs, and walkers; the use of special transportation; or the assistance of another person in order to leave their place of residence
If the patient meets one of the criteria in Criteria-One, then the patient must ALSO meet two additional requirements defined in Criteria-Two below.
- Criteria-Two:
- There must exist a normal inability to leave home;
AND - Leaving home must require a considerable and taxing effort.
- There must exist a normal inability to leave home;
Is hospitalization a requirement to receive Home Health Care?
No. Many patients are referred by their doctor.